

公告主旨 【轉知】澳洲學校駐台招生推廣處於3月21日 (二)舉辦澳洲名校面談會
發佈日期 2023 年 2 月 18 日
發佈單位 輔導室
公告類別 行政公告, 營隊活動, 活動競賽, 生涯與升學訊息, 學生學習歷程檔案, 國際交流
點閱次數 537

澳洲名校面談會  Prestigious Australian Universities Joint Exhibition


With the border reopening and lifting lockdowns of both Taiwan and Australia, staff from prestigious Australian universities are finally here to meet students face to face. Don’t miss this great opportunity to consult with them!


  • 日期: 2023年3月21日(二) Date: Tue. 21st Mar. 2023
  • 時間: 下午  13:30~16:30 Time: 13:30~16:30
  • 地點:  天主教道明高級中學 道茂堂 Location: at Dao-Mao Hall at St. Dominic Catholic High School / 802高雄市苓雅區建國一路354號 No. 354, Jianguo 1st Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City 802
  • 報名表單:https://forms.gle/EggE44B6cdpmQwHF9 Event registration form: https://forms.gle/EggE44B6cdpmQwHF9

*此活動免費入場 *The event is complimentary.

*In order to attend the event, registration in advance is required. Please complete your registration by 15th March. For group registration, please make sure all the attendees arrive at the same time. For those who cannot arrive at the same, please kindly register alone.
*此表格可以使用中文或英文完成 *The form can be filled out in Mandarin or English.



The list of Australian Universities at the exhibition:


如何報名或了解活動詳情,請洽: Any enquiries regarding how to register or wishing to know the event in more depth, please contact:

黃小姐 (Jenlin) 0937-329061  /  04-2316 8488 / 07-398 2588 /  LINE ID: jenlinhuang

Contact person: Ms. Jenlin Huang 0937-329061  /  04-2316 8488 / 07-398 2588 /  LINE ID: jenlinhuang
